1. The human eye`s weight is about 8 grams.

2. According to a research, a cigarette reduces

   man`s life  11 to 15 minutes.

3. Women are more talkative than men so therefore in one day a female speak 20000       words and a male speak 7000 words.

4. Everyday the 60000 thoughts comes in

human mind and 70% thoughts are negative.

5. The voice narrated in railway station(in India)


is voice of Sarla chaudhary ji.

6. "The Great Banyan" is the biggest tree 

of India located in Kolkata.

7. A scorpion can survive by holding its 
breath for 6 days.

8. Polonium is the world`s dangerous poison, 1 gram of polonium is enough to kill 5 crore people.

9. Due to lack of 1% water in our body, 
we feel thirsty and if there is a lack of this 10% then we die.

10.  Raja Ram Mohan Roy, who abolished the practice of sati, his sister in law was burnt alive after the death of brother, citing the practice of sati.

For more visit to this link- 99learner

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