It's not easy to motivate yourself. Motivation is a battleground here sometimes we win and sometimes we lose it's a hard fight but if you are willing to fight ,it will serve you well aspects of your life. If you want to succeed in anything there is only one thing that give you success " your will power ". Your will power gets you closer to your goal and away from your goal , the more powerful your will power , the sooner you will be able to achieve your goals. " No one can motivate you, only you are the person who can motivate you" . There must be many ups and downs in your life, then you must have felt that there is no one around you , you are the only one who is with you that time and suffer lot of things and then there comes a time when you come out of that situation , when you get out of this situation then you forget to think who pulled you out of this situation none other than your will power your wish that " i can get over this sad situation ". Confident matters a lot in today's life , if you are no longer confident then people can take advantage of you. Positive self talk is important and effective in managing anxiety or depression . Instead of saying ' I can't , say I can ' and always reward yourself when you have completed a goal.
What to do if you lose motivation : Take motivation from yourself " think how you came out of a more difficult situation than before "
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